An Influx of Buyers, But Where Is All the Stock?

There’s a new normal out there but what else could we expect with trillions of dollars being printed around the world every year? Life goes on, but have we fixed or even attempted to fix all the global problems? Or are we just putting band aids on them?
In the meantime we appear, around the world, to continue to spend more each year than we make. I don’t think any student of history, especially economics history, would be surprised with the cycle of economic and world-leading giants like America, but a big question is, where to now, and are they really heading out of trouble or just getting in deeper?
Enough of being philosophical, back to North Shore real estate. Stock levels remain low and interest remains good. Christmas is fast approaching and there is not a lot of stock on the horizon between now and then. This continues to be a good recipe for those thinking of selling to put their properties on the market now. All the properties I mentioned in last week’s E-newsletter sold either that day, or Monday or Tuesday of this week. This highlights my continual argument that well priced properties sell quickly and if your home isn’t selling quickly and you’ve covered off on marketing and presentation then the only thing left is to get the price right which creates the competition and gets a fantastic result in a very timely manner.
We have an auction at 54 Laurel Street, Willoughby, on Saturday at 10 o’clock. The home will be open from 9.30 and we’ll have a coffee cart there so free coffee for any client who wishes to turn up.
Some of the buyers must be thinking I’ve forgotten them in these articles, that’s certainly not the case. Getting more stock on the market would be the best thing I could do for them and we’re certainly doing our best to achieve that.
Thank you to all those who commented on the history of our founder, Robert Todd. He was certainly an outstanding individual who, like so many amazing people, did so much for his family and community and was able to fit all those achievements into just 62 years on this earth.
As we head into another interest rate decision, the Melbourne Cup, and the US elections, firstly the stock market and then the real estate market will be very interesting to watch. At Forsyth, we’ve spent a lot of time gearing up for the three eventualities: the market going up, the market maintaining its current status or the market going down. This, as you can imagine, has not been easy however, when one part of the business seems to be getting difficult, other parts seem to counterbalance and we are concentrating on those counterbalance areas.
For years now we’ve moved from one international crisis announcement to the next and life goes on and business is done.
Opportunities are everywhere and doing good business with good clients is what we do best at Forsyth.
Thank you.