10 Ideas to Update Your Home for Spring

There is something exciting about seeing the first blossoms of spring, so with that excitement in mind take a fresh look at your home and see what you can do to bring an extra touch of pizzazz to your interior. If you’re thinking of selling your place, a burst of Spring could be a big draw card for buyers.
This is the easiest and cheapest way to get a fresh and clean change to a room. Spring brings a whole new light into the home and walls can look dirty very quickly. Adding a fresh coat of paint is cheap if you provide the labour, but don’t go bold or to dramatic as it will limit your market potential.
Patterns, texture and colour can add a breath of fresh air. Stunning fabrics can be made into cushions, throws, divider screens and wall hangings to give life to a dull colour scheme
We all have the jobs we put off till tomorrow. Make a list of what needs to be done to get your home into perfect condition as it is the little details that sometimes get forgotten. Remember, buyers turn all taps and open all doors so make sure something this simple doesn’t turn into a major reason for a buyer not to purchase.
Subtle and indirect lighting can create a whole new atmosphere to an interior scheme and it doesn’t just have to be for evenings. Dark corners of rooms can be brought to life with a simple lamp. You don’t have to always highlight large areas, look at subtle ways to introduce light such as back lighting a statue or plant. An interesting lamp can double as a feature as well as lighting.
Spring cleaning always comes to mind this time of year, but never so more than when you are selling. Buyers have no emotional attachment to your collections – so if it is gathering dust doesn’t add to your interior, pack it away or move it on permanently. As this is the perfect time to make decisions of what is necessary and what is taking up valuable space
Move around your artwork – it is easy to get used to a certain look but just by moving around your artwork and pictures you can create a whole new feel costing you nothing at all.
Fresh flowers not only add a visual feast but can bring a hint fragrance as you walk by.
If you aren’t inclined to move your artwork, look at how you can reposition your room layout. Take out most of the pieces in the room and start again, bringing back a major piece (like a lounge) and then some accessories like a rug or lamp and then slowly bring back the rest of the furniture. You might like the new feeling of space and put some pieces in another room
Spend where needed
The big budget areas, such as the bathroom or kitchen, need some careful planning. If the major appliances and structure is in good condition maybe all the area needs is a basic ‘freshen up’, such as re-tiling and new taps and accessories. Sometimes simple changes such as these might be enough to give a new lease of life and give added value rather than being a full renovation.
Thread-bare carpets and ‘traffic patterns’ wearing into your flooring is a major red-alert to buyers and can seem more costly than it really is. An update to your flooring might not be needed to the whole house so look at the prominent areas such your entry and lounge and this could be enough to give a lift from the bottom up.