What will 2013 Bring?

Well, readers, if you’re in the money printing business, over the last four years, you would have done a sterling trade!
If you were an owner selling a house, you probably thought you didn’t get its true value this year.
If you were a buyer, buying a property, you probably thought you paid more than you should have in this market.
If you were a real estate agent, you probably thought you’d never worked so hard to earn a dollar in your life.
However, this is the world we live in.
It’s hard to write a weekly article without repeating yourself too many times. Not because you’ve got nothing else to say, but because you believe it’s so important to get certain points across. Like, making sure you are pricing property correctly, making sure you are listening to the market and studying the market before and during, decision making.
I was reading an article the other day which I found fascinating. The Chinese are talking about growth of 7, 8 or 9%. That, of course, is over the whole country. Being an average, it means there are parts doing a lot less and parts doing a lot more. This article showed parts of the country increasing by 16, 17 and up to 23%. Imagine being in a city increasing annually by over 15%? These are towns I had never heard of but I’m sure we’ll all be hearing a lot more about in the future.
I’m off to Dubai over Christmas, which is making a come-back, the Philippines which is growing by 6 or 7% per annum and Burma which comes out of a dictatorship. They are three countries in very different parts of the success cycle.
I hope, above all that, from a business point of view, the financial situation globally settles down considerably. Everything I read and watch on the news shows the Americans, generally, seem to be extremely optimistic. With borrowing coming close to reaching the debt ceiling again, and the fiscal cliff, I wonder whether this optimism is warranted or not? However, God bless America for being so positive!
In 2013, I hope that you keep the emails and phone calls coming as it is an absolute pleasure to hear people’s thoughts and feedback. I’ve been saying for the last couple of weeks we have some fantastic properties on the market that are well priced. Please come and have a look and don’t drop off like so many buyers do at this time of the year.
It’s a great time to buy real estate! I hope 2013 will be a highly successful year for everyone.
Lastly, I would like to share with you a link that I found very amusing. Can you imagine what your house would look like with Christmas snow?
Thank you.